youngstown sports equipment and guns for sale in Youngstown, Ohio For Sale
Price: $24
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Fobus RU1RP Roto Paddle Holster #RU1R - Right Hand
Unique Fobus Roto-Holster rotates 360 degrees and adjusts easily for cross-draw, bodyguard/driver/ small-of-the-back, and strong-side carries. Fobus patented locking adjustment allows the firearm either a forward or reverse cant, with total gun retention. The Roto holster is lightweight, with a flexible two-piece design for maximum strength and all-day comfort. Easily interchangeable belt loop attachment is included.
Roto Paddle
Right Hand
Ruger P85/P89, Lg. Auto 9mm/.40 cal."Price: $24.24