Tifosi Jet Polarized Sunglasses - Matte Black (210500151) in Youngstown, Ohio For Sale
Price: $51
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
JetPart #: xxxxxxxx51Included Lenses: Polarized SmokeTifosi polarized single lens models are exceptional because they are injected with polarized material and decentered for greater clarity. Polarization blocks light reflecting off the water (or any horizontal surface) to reduce glare and eye fatigue, making them perfect for watersports, driving and casual wear.Weight: 27gFit: Small-LargeFeatures:Hydrophilic rubber nose pad and temple
Manufacturer: Tifosi Optics
Model: xxxxxxxx1
Condition: New
Availability: In Stock
Source: http://www.manventureoutpost.com/products/Tifosi-Jet-Polarized-Sunglasses-%252d-Matte-Black-%xxxxxxxx151%29.html?google=1