"S&W K/L Frame Round Butt Grips Convert Lamo Camo" in Youngstown, Ohio For Sale
Price: $49
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Hogue xxxx2 S&W K/L Frame Round Butt Grips Convert, Lamo Camo
These grips are designed to fit the Round Butt but are full ""Square Butt size"" grips. They ""convert"" a small Round Butt to a full size grip. Grips are precision inletted, then hand finished on actual factory frames to assure proper fit. Grips are constructed of the highest quality, kiln-dried hardwood available. Each grip is unique and will vary in color and figure.
- Fits: Smith & Wesson K or L Frame, Round to Square Butt with Finger Grooves
- Color: Lamo Camo"Price: $49.32
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/s-and-w-k-l-frame-round-butt-grips-convert-lamo-camo.html