"Square Patch 3"" (Per 100)" in Youngstown, Ohio For Sale
Price: $5
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Bore Tech BTPT-3-S100 Square Patch 3"" (Per 100)
Bore Tech Rifle Cleaning Patches are high quality 100% cotton flannel, double napped (on both sides), non-fraying cleaning patches. These patcehs offer the maximum solvent absorption and cleaning capabilities possible. These Bore Tech Rifle Cleaning Patches come in a variety of square and round sizes to allow proper fit depending on cleaning styles and preferences. Bore Tech Rifle Cleaning Patches are packaged in resealable, hangable, plastic bags for convenience."Price: $5.98
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/square-patch-3-per-100.html