S.B.P. Reloading Kit in Youngstown, Ohio For Sale
Price: $69
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
SmartReloader VBSR008-41 S.B.P. Reloading Kit
SBP Reloading Kit
Kit includes:
- SBP Steel Frame Reloading Press: Decap and resize cases up to rifle calibers, seat bullets, resize cast bullets and more
- SR750 Digital Scale with Calibration Weight: Capacity- 750 grains, accuracy .1 grains
- 2 Powder Scoops: 2.5cc and .7cc- ideal for rifle and handgun reloaders
- SR737 Tumbler Nano: Just a great tool to clean and polish your cases fast and safely"Price: $69.7
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/s.b.p.-reloading-kit.html