"Pregame Targets Star Burst 12"" × 18"" Target-8 Pack" in Youngstown, Ohio For Sale
Price: $6
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Birchwood Casey xxxx2 Pregame Targets Star Burst 12"" × 18"" Target-8 Pack
Technology creates reactive zones within the target! A shot outside of the main aiming points will not produce a halo. Fun for all ages! Improve your shooting skills with these colorful Dirty Bird style targets. Use them while shooting alone or appeal to your competitive side and shoot with a partner. Be creative, there are no official rules of play, create your own and have fun.
- PREGAME™ 12"" x 18"" Star Burst™
- 8 Targets "Price: $6.28
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/pregame-targets-star-burst-12--18-target-8-pack.html