"Handall Sleeve Grip Full Size Pink" in Youngstown, Ohio For Sale
Price: $6
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Hogue xxxx7 Handall Sleeve Grip Full Size, Pink
The Handall Universal Grip sleeve has a scientifically designed shape that conforms to fit many semi-auto pistols.
- Proportioned finger grooves and palm swells five the ultimate look and comfort on your auto pistol
- Easy to install
- Cobblestone texture provides an efficient non-slip, non-irritating stippling pattern
- Molded from modern durable rubber which is virtually impervious to all oils and solvents found around firearms
- Fits all Glocks, and other Autos"Price: $6.18
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/handall-sleeve-grip-full-size-pink.html