"Grand Slam Steel Rings 1"" X-High Silver" in Youngstown, Ohio For Sale
Price: $21
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Weaver xxxx3 Grand Slam Steel Rings 1"", X-High, Silver
Weaver's popular Grand Slam Rings recently went under the knife for an impressive, sleek, modern new look. The four-hole design with Torx screws adds gripping strength and added security. Plus, Weaver's legendary cross-lock design provides the ultimate in scope lock-down. Made of solid steel, these rings stand strong against aggressive recoil. To top it off, Weaver's newly-designed Grand Slam Rings are proudly made to exact tolerances in the U.S.A.
- Diameter: 1""
- Height: Extra High
- Finish: Silver "Price: $21.24
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/grand-slam-steel-rings-1-x-high-silver.html