amazing four yorkies puppies for xmas adoption in Youngstown, Ohio For Sale
Type: Animals, For Sale - Private.
cute four teacup yorkie puppies for xmas adoption. they are house and potty trained and have all health papers and veterinary records intact.they love playing with kids and other indoor and outdoor pets. they have been vaccinated and have all their shots up to date. they are dewormed and well neutered and will becoming with all their play toys and pet yorkie accessories. they are going to have a one year gaurantie and will spoil you with love and affection.they have been confirmed to be in the best health condition by e veterinarian. please i just want to rehome the puppies due to my condition and you would be so much willing to even have them all after i must have told you what im going through and how im physically disabled. please do well to contact me with your mobile phone number so we can do texting and make a faster transacion since im deaf as well. i will like you to have atleast one of these babies for the upcoming xmas and why not all of them if you can. waiting to get a contact from any interested and you can reach me at 206-203-xxxx , thanks and merry xmas in advanced.